Inmersión profunda 2.0
con Amanita Muscaria

An updated and further developed Deep Dive experience

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The Deep Dive - a high dose Amanita Muscaria event

Estamos muy ilusionados y contentos de poder ofrecer Inmersión profunda 2.0. Based on our experience with over 150 Deep Dive sessions using Amanita Muscaria, we have created a format that will offer a more complete and integrated experience

Throughout millennia, people have been using Amanita Muscaria as a tool for inner work. Its very specific properties and effects on human biology make it possible to overcome some limitations in our personality and experience states of consciousness that are normally hard to achieve.

With some preparation and understanding, you may have the opportunity to discover much more about your being and your story.

You may experience the eternal Now, which occurs when the normal veil between your daily consciousness and your sub- and super-consciousness is removed for several hours.

Some dive into deeply personal stories and recurrences or loops spanning several lives – others transcend the limitations of this life and get an opportunity to identify with a much more eternal part of their existence.

While enjoying hyper neuroplasticity, physical balancing, and healing may occur, emotional blockages may be accessed and digested, and thinking patterns may be revealed or understood.

It is a golden opportunity for anyone who seeks a positive change in life, a calibration, a centering and aligning experience that reverberates throughout your life.

Who are you when you no longer identify with your personality? How is it to exist beyond the limitations of your physical senses? What would you do if you had the door opened to your subconsciousness?

Who are you when you are no longer stuck in Time?

¿Qué es una inmersión profunda?

During a Deep Dive, the participant ingests a larger amount of Amanita Muscaria. That amount can be anything from 10 grams to 25 grams depending on body weight and sensitivity. People who do Deep Dives have been micro-dosing and usually know how sensitive they are.

Amanita Muscaria is dilerient and, as such, psychoactive. It contains substances that influence and change how one experiences oneself and the world inside and around us. For many, this experience can be helpful in learning about oneself and one’s life story.

1. ¿Por qué hacer una inmersión profunda?

Esto es for Seekers of Truth who want to become Finders. All the teachings and learnings in your life belong to you and are part of your life mystery. With the help of extraordinary experiences, you may gain understanding, explanations, insights, and different perspectives. This can assist you in your life and inspire you to move forward with your next step. 

2. ¿Qué contiene una inmersión profunda?

During the Deep Dive process, your consciousness is shifted to different levels you usually cannot access. The experience is very individual, and no generalizations can be made. Being ultimately individual, it is usually very meaningful for the participant even if it can be hard to describe or make understandable for others. Your attention is moving inward, and you are invited to identify with more than your personality – your Essence.

3. ¿Quién dirige esto?

Marianne and Johan Niklasson have been seekers for 30 years. They have dived deep into many areas in their “search for truth” to find answers to the big questions about life and how to live it. With their combined backgrounds and deep understanding of Essence/Personality and the work with Amanita Muscaria, they offer a unique mix of understanding and Being that will help you align with your own. After guiding many people through Deep Dives, they provide a unique set and setting for such potentially life-changing experiences.

4. 4. ¿Dónde?

These special events take place in small workshop centers or private locations, mainly in Switzerland.

5. 5. ¿Cuándo?

La inmersión profunda es more than just a weekend. It is a several-week-long process. When you have signed up, we will contact you for an introductory call to assess if a Deep Dive might be right for you and determine if you need any support before the event.

You are invited to microdose in the weeks before, so at the DeepDive, Your system is already familiar with the substances in the mushroom, and You have had some time to tune into what this might be about for You.

About a week before an event, we usually offer a group call for orientation for those who want it.

We will invite you to a follow-up call around three to four weeks after the Deep Dive. If you need more support for your integration, we are available for further calls.

6. ¿Cuánto?

The cost for participating in one of the Deep Dives is CHF 750-2’222 depending on the venue.

7. El proceso

When you have signed up, we will call you and go through the entire process. There are some details below.

8. ¿Qué hay de nuevo?

En el pasado, las Inmersiones Profundas eran eventos de una sola sesión, con poco tiempo para la preparación, la integración y la reflexión. Para sacar el máximo partido de la Inmersión profunda, hemos ajustado todos los aspectos de la experiencia.

9. Is this legal?

Sí. The use of Amanita Muscaria dates back many thousands of years and is part of our heritage. This is not a novel substance produced in a lab. Since this mushroom grows all over the planet and has been part of so many cultures, making it illegal is not practically feasible. 

In a few countries, selling the mushroom for consumption (eating) is illegal. The Netherlands, Italy, Australia, Thailand, and a few states in the USA are among the few that have regulated the mushroom. 

It is important to understand the motivation behind regulations—in general, they are designed to protect people from their own stupidity, and this is a valid reason in most cases. Regarding the deliriant Amanita Muscaria, we agree with the need for precaution and a special awareness regarding safety.

No law is broken, and no regulation not followed by eating Amanita Muscaria. This is up to you. Well-informed, healthy adults can decide to eat all kinds of things. From a spiritual perspective, this is the “vitamin” our soul longs for.

You should contact your medical specialist or legal advisor if you feel uncertain.

Is a Deep Dive for me?

Before you sign up, there are a few things that you must consider.

A Deep Dive using Amanita Muscaria is very different from other types of substance-induced experiences and states. First of all, this is not a psychedelic. It is not a “joy-ride” or entertainment. People who approach Amanita Muscaria with the attitude “I have tested almost everything and now I want to test Amanita Muscaria” are usually shocked, disappointed, humbled, and/or “blown away”.

Very experienced “psychonauts” often are “put in place” or shown their “spiritual Ego” to not be of so much value as they might have thought.

Others explain, “This is the One,” “This is it, what I have been looking for all my life,” or “I am no longer a Seeker, I am a Finder!” This is not to dismiss or devalue all the different medicines nature offers; it is meant to help you understand the very unique experience an Amanita Muscaria Deep Dive can provide.

The unique properties of an Amanita Muscaria Deep Dive mean it is not for everyone. This is a short list of things that you must know about before signing up:

You should likely not join a Deep Dive group event if you have a history of psychotic episodes or if you are medicated for severe psychological issues. We can most likely deal with whatever is opened up in you during a Deep Dive, but it might be better if you are the only Deep Diver in the room so that we can tend to your needs while undisturbed for up to 12 hours.

It is very rare, but it happens that individuals are allergic to Amanita Muscaria. This usually induces stomach pain and/or vomiting. By microdosing before a Deep Dive, you can exclude that possibility.

If you are very set in your belief system or your identity, it may be hard on you and others when that is broken up. Being open to the fact that you do not know who you are and you do not know what is the “ultimate truth” is not only helpful but a necessity. It is good to take part based on “not having one’s cup full”.

If you are a user of marijuana/grass/weed, the effects of Amanita Muscaria may be unavailable to your system. It has been recommended that such use be stopped for at least 2 months before a deep dive.

If you know you have a weak heart or heart issues, epilepsy, cramps, or any other substantial physical inclemency, you should seek a different format for a Deep Dive where your physical state can be monitored, and potential problems can be intercepted by medical professionals.

The events we offer here are meant for physically healthy, emotionally stable, and mentally clear people. Normal people. If you have special needs, please contact us, as we may be able to offer a special setting for you.

As your inner world is unique to you, your Deep Dive experience will also be unique. It is beneficial not to approach a Deep Dive with assumptions, presumptions, or expectations.

We will prepare you in the best way we can without dressing the experience in mysticism, occultism, religion, or other mystical layers that may obscure your experience. This is about you meeting You – just a much bigger and less restricted you. (inglés) (alemán e inglés) o 076/429 03 99

Some details about a normal Deep Dive

The weekend Deep Dive

El viernes: Llegada a las 14:00

El viernes es el día para salir gradual y plenamente de nuestras ajetreadas vidas en el Aquí y Ahora.

A través del movimiento, las estructuras guiadas, el intercambio y la orientación sobre el trabajo con Amanita Muscaria, tendrás la oportunidad de conectar profundamente contigo mismo y con tu intención para el próximo viaje.

Por la noche, bailaremos, nos reuniremos alrededor del fuego y disfrutaremos del espacio, de nosotros mismos y de los demás antes de irnos a dormir.

Puedes dormir con el grupo en un par de habitaciones más grandes juntos (colchón en el suelo).

If you want to sleep in your own room, depending on the venue, this may be possible (ask us for details). You may have to book this by yourself, or it may not included in the Deep Dive price. 

Estaremos en ayunas, con té, agua y algunos zumos disponibles a lo largo del día.

Saturday is the day of the Dive.

We start in the morning with a short moving meditation, followed by some alone time.

A continuación, prepararemos nuestros espacios.

With Johan’s guidance, You get to choose Your dose of Amanita Muscaria, and around 08:00 to 09:00 in the morning, we will embark on our journey.

A DeepDive usually lasts between 10-12 hours. During the whole time, there is an experienced team of sitters caring for the safety and comfort of each of the travelers.

There will only be water to drink on this day.

Para los que salgan de viaje con apetito, habrá sopa y alimentos sencillos para comer a última hora de la tarde.

Habrá un tiempo de silencio para reflexionar, escribir o dibujar antes de que todos nos vayamos a la cama para dormir bien.

Dado que la Amanita Muscaria funciona de forma misteriosa, su viaje puede continuar durante la noche, por lo que los sueños, las percepciones y las experiencias mágicas pueden ocurrir tanto durante el sueño como durante la sesión.

El domingo es el día de la Integración.

Es el primer día de su periodo de integración de varias semanas.

Comenzaremos el día hacia las 9 con un nutritivo desayuno, moveremos nuestros cuerpos y después nos reuniremos para compartir y reflexionar en profundidad sobre nuestro viaje DeepDive y la noche posterior.

Recibirás toda la orientación y el contexto necesarios para integrar en tu vida todo lo que hayas experimentado durante el viaje, para permitir que se despliegue tu misterio único.

Alrededor de las 14:00 llegamos al final.

Los que quieran pueden quedarse más tiempo hasta que se sientan preparados para emprender el viaje de vuelta a casa.

Unas tres semanas después de la DeepDive, le invitaremos a nuestra primera llamada de seguimiento.

Idioma: Tanto el alemán como el inglés se aceptan sin problemas.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, póngase en contacto con nosotros en (inglés) (alemán e inglés) o 076/429 03 99

Upcoming Deep Dives

You can sign up for one of the upcoming Deep Dives – see what is planned and available by clicking the link below.


Tradicionalmente, este tipo de experiencia se regalaba. Debería ser gratis; es nuestro derecho divino a experimentar cosas así. En el mundo actual, los vínculos financieros que tenemos con "el sistema" hacen que sea más complicado hacer frente a los costes.

Queremos que todo aquel que tenga la inspiración de vivir una Inmersión Profunda de forma segura pueda hacerlo. Sin embargo, nuestros fondos son limitados. Si quieres contribuir donando fondos para experiencias Deep Dive, ahora puedes hacerlo fácilmente.

La gratitud es eterna.

Utilice el botón de abajo para hacer su donación.

Algunas imágenes de inspiración y ambiente
